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Current graduate student
- Weifan Jiang
- Chonlam Lao (co-advised with Aditya Akella)
- Minghao Li
- Xingyu Xiang (co-advised with Eddie Kohler)
Current postdoc
- Rana Shahout (co-advised with Michael Mitzenmacher)
- Raj Joshi
Graduate student Alumni
- Yang Zhou (co-advised with James Mickens, Google Fellowship, honarable mention by Meta Fellowship, postdoc at UC Berkeley, before starting as an assistant professor at UC Davis)
- Zhiying Xu (now at Amazon)
- Weiqi Feng (MS, now at Databricks)
- Junzhi Gong (now at Google)
- Jiaqi Gao (now at Alibaba Research)
- Sivaram Ramanathan (co-advised with Jelena Mirkovic at USC/ISI, now at Meta)
- Yuliang Li (Siebel Fellowship, winner of SIGCOMM doctoral dissertation award and Harvard CS Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award, now at Google)
- Omid Alipourfard (Facebook Fellowship)
- Rui Miao (now at Meta)
- Masoud Moshref (co-advised with Ramesh Govindan, Google Fellowship, now at Nvidia)
- Xuemei Liu (MS, now at Meta)
Post-doc Alumni
- Ran Ben Bassat (co-advised with Michael Mitzenmacher, joined UCL as an assistant professor)
- Alan Liu (co-advised with Vyas Sekar, now an assistant professor at University of Maryland)
- Sucha Supittayapornpong (co-advised with Ramesh Govindan, joined Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Thailand as an assistant professor)
Undergraduate student Alumni
Our group works with many undergraduate students over the years. Here are a few recent students:
- Andrew Huang (Caltech, 2nd place in SOSP’21 student research competition, undergraduate category)
- Haoda Wang (USC, NSF REU, summer 2021, now a graduate student at Columbia University, NDSEG fellowship)
- Maegon Jong (Harvard College Research Program, summer 2021)
- Gabriele Oliaro (2020-2021, now a graduate student at CMU)